Changes to Numbers with the prefix 1850 and 1890
Published on 22/11/21
The Commission for Communications Regulation (COMREG) have communicated with all companies advising that from the 1st of January 2022, numbers with the prefix 1850 & 1890 will be withdrawn from operation.
The removal of these numbers, is to simplify the amount of what are known as "non-geographic numbers" available for use.
This exercise is not exclusive to ARAG phonelines, but to all 1850 & 1890 numbers.
How are ARAG managing these changes?
At ARAG we want to share with you the new numbers, if a policyholder wishes to make contact after the 1st January 2022, they will have access to new active numbers.
This is an important exercise for us, we understand the value our Helplines services provides to many of our clients. We would suggest these numbers be shared within your office, so everyone is aware and familiar with these changes.
What happens in the meantime?
When you call an 1850 or 1890 number from now until 31st December 2021, your call will be answered as usual. However, once the 1st of January 2022 arrives, these numbers will not be available and unfortunately can't be answered by our teams.
Next Steps?
We've already set up replacement numbers which are now live and we would suggest you start to use these and include them in your communications with clients.
All our literature is currently being updated and we will circulate these to you shortly. These are our new generic helpline numbers;
A member of our team will contact you to discuss these changes and any other questions you may have.
Disclaimer - all information in this article was correct at time of publishing.